Thursday, December 10, 2009


I have completed requirements 2-4.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Internet Safety

1. I read the New Era article "Mixed Signals" under Internet. It had specific ideas for evaluating worthy media and for being safe on the internet.
2. The videos I watched had a variety of topics and themes. There was a cartoon for kids that had the message of not sharing any information with people over the internet and not agreeing to meet up with people. There was a video describing technology use in a school and how it influences teens' social lives. And then there were a few chilling videos about the dangers of the internet--cyber bullying and sexual predators. Overall it was a very sobering experience. My own internet use has been sheltered--first by my parents' internet filter and then by BYU's--so I have always felt safe on the internet and have not given much thought to these issues. It makes me concerned about how much we are a digital nation and how much of an influence the virtual is in our lives.
3. The most important take-away I have received through what I read and watched would be prevention. One of the prominent ideas from the articles I read was to have your computer in a well-trafficked part of the house, and I agree fully. Establishing guidelines and talking about things before they become an issue also seems key. I think for my own children I will have a rule that they do not enter chatrooms and that they only message people that they know personally, in addition to other rules. However, I know that most children are not taught such things at home, and I will need to go over this as a teacher.
4. I talked to my older sister and she mentioned things like having a filter or a cyber patrol type thing and talking to kids about not sharing info or pictures. I mentioned having the computer in a high traffic part of the house, which jogged her memory and she added that the screen should face the door so that anyone walking by can see the content you're currently viewing. We talked about cyber bullying and sex predators. She seemed to think that it's a larger problem than one of the videos I watched proclaimed. She added that she heard that sex predators will network together and talk about what they were able to achieve. Scary. I also told her that I learned that you should talk to your kids about what to do if bad content accidentally comes up (turn off the computer) and that you should teach them to tell you about it afterward. She said that she hadn't thought of that and it was a good idea. I think when her kids get older she will teach them to tell her if they see something questionable on the internet.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009